Betul ke lain antara sekolah harian dengan sekolah asrama ?
Kenapa lain ? Sama je kan dua-dua tu sekolah jugak kan ?
Apa kelebihan dengan kekurangan ?
Mana senang ?
WOWW relax dulu relax ! Let's proceed one by one okay ?
As I experienced entering boarding school during my form 4 and yes from form form 1 until form 3 I was in a daily school and my mum send and picked me up everyday from school. i am really close to my mum and every decision that i need to make I will refer to her so during form 4 (2016) i made a biggest changes in my life which is I decided to go to a boarding school (MRSM). I still remember the moment when I told my mom that I accepted into MRSM and guess what ????? Her faced become sad and full with worries. I only have a week (which is Chines New Year holiday) to decide and do preparation.
Okay done with the introduction part. Now I want to show the differences between both of the school.
During my first week (orientation week), we need to register for koko on Wednesday if Im not mistaken. There is certain quota in each club and unit uniform so the rule here siapa cepat dia dapat. To be honest that I really hate all the kawad things but only kadet polis has vacancy so unwillingly wrote my name. After that our teacher call all the kadet polis and said that we have a camp on Friday-Sunday. At that time I was like helllooo I cant adapt with this weird place and then i need to go to a camp !!!!!!!!!!!! To make story short I had a best police officer and he is really kind taught me kawad from zero.
Okay from that story we can see that boarding school can make their students active. Maybe it was only my luck there because in daily school I cannot get much oppurtunity to do so. For MRSM they have their MRSM SE-Malaysia so you have so much opportunity to be a representative like me myself represent in PERKHEMAHAN KOR-KADET POLIS and EKSPO KEUSAHAWANAN. If you are active in sports you can try in SUPER, if you are into science there is also activity about that which i forgot its name hehe sorry.
that's all for today, ahh I feel sleepy suddenly